7 essential tools to improve the SEO of your website

By March 12, 2018SEO

Know the mistakes you make on your website and correct them


Does your web load at the right speed? Are the links that point to your page quality? Do you use the correct keywords?

Surely on more than one occasion, you have raised these issues.

And in fact, knowing the answers is important, since the SEO of your website depends on these factors, which are responsible for your page to scale or not positions in Google.

Luckily, there are tools that provide an X-ray of your online site; they tell you what works and what does not, and they help you take the appropriate corrective measures to improve the SEO of your website and your positioning in Google and other search engines.

Of them, I’ll talk to you in today’s post.

The time has come for SEO to stop intimidating you.


Improve the SEO of your website with these 7 essential tools


There are many tools to improve SEO, but I’ll talk about the 7 that I find most useful:


1) Open Site Explorer

Through Open Site Explorer you will know the link popularity of your web page.

The tool shows results of the links that point to your online site and its authority. It also teaches you the links to which your website points.

Also, you will know if you are improving your link popularity through graphics and evaluations.

For your website, it is not the same as a link that points from a minority blog, with bad design and hardly any traffic to a great media such as El País or El Mundo, with millions of readers.

In addition, you can start using Open Site Explorer for free and according to your needs, you can choose a payment option.


2) Google Search Console

It is a free tool from Google and is aimed at webmasters.

This service allows you to check the status of the indexation of your online site on Google and optimize its visibility. It also has other features such as identifying broken links and bad links.

If you enter the control panel you will see the complete list of all the links that point to your website.

Once you detect the broken links you can solve them by redirecting 301 or asking the web of origin for its correction or elimination.

In the case of bad links, you will have to eliminate them and for this, you have two options: contact the owner of the website and ask him to remove or disallow the links through this tool provided by Google.

If you need more information, I recommend this article by Rubén Alonso, an expert in web positioning: link profile: what it is and how to eliminate links of poor quality.



3) Magestic SEO

It is the largest database of links in the world. This tool is used by SEO experts and specialists in the online environment in order to create link building, manage reputation or develop traffic.

Like the previous tools, it has a free and a paid part.

The free part offers you interesting options like graphics, a situation of your keywords, meta tags or your popularity link.

The payment part is intended for professionals since it offers complete reports of the state of SEO and how to improve it.


4) Ahrefs

Improve the SEO of your website with this link monitoring tool. It allows you to know the ones that point to your domain and even discover the volume of links of your competition. In this way, you will analyze the link building strategy that you have used and you will discover new platforms on which to leave your links.

Ahrefs also has a free and a paid part.


Improve the SEO-links

5) SEOQuake

It is a free browser add-on that allows you to see data such as the Google index, that is, how Google indexes your site; the Alexa rank, which is the estimate of the frequency with which a web page is visited in relation to others; or even the likes of Facebook.

In addition, your SEO audit examines any landing page and informs you of the technical problems it encounters.

On the other hand, the keyword report divides the landing pages by keywords and reveals the target keywords of your competitors by landing page. It facilitates, among other data, the level of popularity, the keywords used by the website, age, popularity and traffic.


6) Google AdWords keyword planner

Google offers this tool to those who make advertising campaigns with them. However, you can sign up, leave the campaign inactive and make free use.

Keyword planner reveals trends in keywords in your sector. If you enter one or several keywords, the tool generates more than 100 keywords for you to use in your SEO strategy. In addition, it offers you the average of monthly searches and shows you if they have a lot of competition.


7) Website Grader

This tool is very useful since it generates SEO reports on your website.

If you enter your home page and enter the address of your online site, in a few minutes the tool offers you a report that tells you what is right and what is wrong and penalizes you in search engines.


“Tells you if you need to reduce the weight of your website or if it is optimized for mobile”


In your report, Website Grader tells you if you need to reduce the weight of your website and speed.

It also alerts you if it is optimized for mobile devices. It tells you if the titles and meta descriptions are correct and inform you of their security.

Finally, it offers recommendations to improve all possible aspects of SEO.



As you can see, factors such as the speed of loading, the quality of links pointing to your website, the use of appropriate keywords, weight and page speed or optimization for mobile devices influence the functioning of your website and both, in your positioning in the search engines.

Therefore, if you want to scale positions in Google and improve SEO consider these aspects.

So that you do not find it intimidating, I have explained some easy-to-use tools that you can use to know the mistakes you make.

If you correct them, you will upload your location on Google and get your customers to find you more easily.

I also leave the link to an article that may interest you on obsolete SEO tactics to stop using practices that worked in the past but no longer.

Now I would love to know your opinion

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Carmen Cerezuela

Author Carmen Cerezuela

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