4 effective tools to manage your company’s online reputation

Stop wasting your time and start monitoring your online reputation


How many times have you been hooked on social networks, losing minutes and hours of work without a strategy and with the feeling of not getting results?

Knowing and managing the information that is published about your brand, your competition, and your sector is a task that you should not avoid.

However, it is easy to get lost among all the information on the web and complicated to differentiate the relevant news from the superficial ones.

Stop wasting your time and start monitoring your online reputation. Take the initiative, create your own brand image and prepare an action plan to tackle a possible image crisis.

online reputation social networks

How to create the digital reputation of your company

You can not control your brand’s online reputation, but you can influence its creation.

For this, I recommend you publish on your website personal and professional information about you and your company, write corporate content, press releases, and articles that add value and give personality to your brand.

In this way, you will gradually build your own brand image. If you do not take care of this, probably others will do it for you, and surely that information or comments will not adjust to your goals.


Stages in online reputation management

Depending on the time your company is located, your online reputation can go through different stages:

  1. For companies that are beginning the quiet is the first period of brand reputation.
  2. As a company grows moderate criticism will begin to appear.
  3. However, at any time there may be a reputation conflict in social networks or a crisis situation, so it is advisable to draw up an action protocol that determines the damage and responds to the attack to protect the name of the Brand.


Tools to actively listen to your online reputation

1) Google alerts

It is a tool of Google. It is as easy to use as creating an alert in the search engine with the keyword you are interested in and when news about that topic is generated, a message will arrive to your email. This service detects content indexed in Google as web pages, articles, blog posts, etc. In addition, it is free, easy to use and will keep you informed.

2) Mention

Mention allows you to monitor your brand, your activity, your customers, your campaigns and your competitors. His job is to thoroughly examine the web and social networks to get business ideas with impact. Speaking in numbers, it monitors more than 1 billion sources daily, including social networks, forums, blogs and the rest of the web. It is a payment tool and from 29 euros per month you can monitor your own brand.

3) Alerti

It is a service to manage and follow corporative reputation. Track your digital reputation, measure the activity of your community and allow conversations with fans and users. That is, through Alerti you can monitor your brand and that of your competitors, analyze the main trends and interact with influencers. This tool can be used from 19 euros per month.

4) Hootsuite

Is a social network management platform created to interact, listen, analyze and provide your security. It allows managing social networks from one place. It also helps to find potential customers and serve them from your own networks. In addition, it evaluates the impact of campaigns on social networks through comprehensive reports and finds and filters relevant conversations by keywords, hashtag and location to hear what people say about your brand, competition and sector.

This tool is also payment and from 19 euros per month, you can use your professional plan.


online reputation tools


Manage your online presence in an easy way

Active listening to our reputation and the strategies of the competition is not complicated if you use the right tools.

Through tools such as google alert, mention, Alerti or Hootsuite, you will manage your online presence easily and effectively and avoid losing hours and hours on social networks.

In addition, in case of a reputation crisis, you can stop it quickly and protect the image of your company.

It is also important that you generate valuable content for your company: corporate articles, press releases, and contents that give personality to your brand. In this way, you will be the one who takes the reins of the image of your company on the web and will not leave it to chance. In this interview with África Lucena, you can learn how to work with your company’s brand and personal brand: “Working your personal brand makes you more human”.

Do you think this strategy is effective to boost the image of your company? Did you know some of these tools?

I wait for you in the comments.

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Carmen Cerezuela

Author Carmen Cerezuela

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